Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Day 2

Day 2.  One day is great, can I do it 2 in a row?  Picking T-25 is a 5 day a week commitment.  The Alpha program is 5 weeks.  I never seem to get past the middle of week 3. 

Tonight is the night before Jonathan's 18th birthday and I've agreed to get him a new iPHone at Verizon.  Waiting, waiting, waiting.  By 9 pm, success!  Sarah comes through to pick up Mary from a late lacrosse practice.

How I really don't want to exercise.

10 pm, again.  Late, tired.  25 minutes?  I have to modify a ton.  I am slow and jiggly, but I show up.
At 20 minutes I shut it off.  I am getting older and am out of shape.

But I did it.  Day 2.  Lord, I need your grace to keep this up. 

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