Monday, March 9, 2015

Here we go again

Day 1.  One more time.  Today is the day I've set for the past week as the day to begin again.  Prayer and exercise.

This is exactly how it works.  Plan to exercise at 9 pm.  We don't have a very busy night, this will be great!

What happens after I leave work?

Mary's practice time for lacrosse changes.  The van dropoff at Honda goes sideways.  Mary loses her iPhone in Colorado Springs.  Sarah lost her iPhone and can't pick Christa up and no one can reach her.  Jon, our other driver, is recovering from having his appendix removed 2 days before.  Anna's gymnastics end at 8:30 someone has to get her.  Thomas' math group has changed days and times, now 8-9 Monday.

Are you kidding me?  Not one thing but all of this.  So what do I do?  wait a day?  I deliberately didn't exercise Sunday because I want to start on Mondays, keeping my Sunday Sabbath clear, and then Monday goes to hell in a handbasket.  Brutal.

Devil, you won't win.  I will win today, by God's grace.  And I do.  I exercise at 10 pm, when I would rather be going to bed.  Weighing in at 250 (WAY over weight) I should be sleeping because I need it.

Snoring, lethargic, sweaty, fat.  Sweet adjectives.  The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.  Today, I win. 

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